Featured kunos
Browse 1-28 of 140 kuno
Escuelita Bitcoin Educational Project
7.5969 XMR / 50 XMR
20 supporters
Selfhosted tor gitea instance of monero source - One year of hosting - YEAR 2
0.05 XMR / 1.2 XMR
1 supporters
2.2035 XMR / 100 XMR
6 supporters
Helping Kenza Walk Again
5.9382 XMR / 22 XMR
8 supporters
Help Hurricane Victims
0.0624 XMR / 10 XMR
1 supporters
[COMPLETED] I translated Kuno to Turkish
0.1 XMR / 0.39 XMR
3 supporters
Join Us in Supporting the Gaza Humanitarian Fundraiser
104.905 XMR / 200 XMR
102 supporters
Blacksmith Hand-crank Forge Blower
1.5432 XMR / 0.85 XMR
4 supporters
Help @Battery__LB escape the War Zone in Lebanon
22.9062 XMR / 25 XMR
34 supporters
Monero Mini market and snack in Tunisia
0.0992 XMR / 4.8 XMR
2 supporters
InBreeze: Your All-in-One Wellness Toolkit
5.1928 XMR / 9 XMR
5 supporters
T-shirt Delivery
0.0236 XMR / 1.66 XMR
1 supporters
Replenish ~$5k lost to a scammer in a KYC-free, p2p deal
0.0716 XMR / 33.3 XMR
8 supporters
Update: Help me escape from communism and political persecution
0.55 XMR / 2.5 XMR
2 supporters
Monero Art Documentary Film
0.2954 XMR / 125 XMR
6 supporters
Cagnotte #Destitution
1.4185 XMR
9 supporters
Stand With Kenyans As We Say No To Bad Governance
0 XMR / 142.7 XMR
0 supporters
Help us help Nahu with some Food
1 XMR / 1 XMR
18 supporters
Help Lawal overcome and start again
0.5689 XMR / 2 XMR
4 supporters
Revuo Monero code enhancements and rebranding
6.5 XMR / 6.5 XMR
10 supporters
I'm in debt help
0.05 XMR / 6 XMR
3 supporters
New Permanent Website for a Monero Only Music Group!
0.465 XMR / 4 XMR
2 supporters
Support Coverage on Regulation and Privacy with Monero Donations!
15.1197 XMR
22 supporters
MoneroTopia Travel Costs for ComradeBlin
0 XMR / 12 XMR
0 supporters
[COMPLETED] I will translate Kuno to Romanian
1.206 XMR / 0.4 XMR
5 supporters
Support Copa Monero, improve the stadium, and increase the XMR prize
81.1865 XMR / 90 XMR
124 supporters
däckskifte tire services accepting Monero in Sweden
1.0521 XMR / 5.85 XMR
5 supporters
Les punaises de lit ont transformé ma vie en enfer
0.0008 XMR / 1.5 XMR
1 supporters