InBreeze: Your All-in-One Wellness Toolkit

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8% funded
0.6999 XMR
InBreeze: Redefining Wellness for the Digital Age

Building on the success of our first release, Inner Breeze, we are excited to announce the next evolution of our platform—InBreeze. We will be completely rewriting our tech stack using Rust and Dioxus, leveraging the power of WebAssembly (Wasm) to deliver a faster, more secure, and smoother experience. This upgrade will ensure that your wellness journey is supported by cutting-edge technology, with enhanced performance, reliability, and security at its core.

InBreeze will be more than just a tool—it will become a dynamic, customizable wellness ecosystem. Whether you're into meditation, yoga, fitness, or mindfulness practices, InBreeze will offer an extensive gallery of modules for you to install and adapt to your unique needs. The platform will give you the power to create your own practices from scratch or tailor existing ones, providing a truly personalized approach to wellness. You’ll also be able to share your custom modules with the community, fostering a collaborative environment for growth and well-being.

With InBreeze, you'll have the ultimate toolkit at your fingertips. You will be able to shape your wellness journey, explore new practices, and connect with a thriving community dedicated to health and mindfulness. The future of well-being is coming, and it’s InBreeze.

The original version is already used by many people on f-droid and is fully open source on github:

The new rust version will be openly developed in this repo:

Remaining as a fully libre projects!

Contact: waozixyz

Published: 2024-08-25


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0.6999 XMR
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