Help me escape Ukraine

3% funded
0.1833 XMR
Good morning, Monero community. My name is Andriychuk Michalko, and I want to ask for your help.

I need your help to escape this war. I am a 17-year-old young man with a dream of becoming a nuclear scientist and trying to help the world in the process. However, the material reality of my situation is not what I expected, and it will get worse because my 18th birthday is close to Christmas. That means in early January, I will be forced to join the draft. I fear that my life will be wasted on the frontlines as cannon fodder to a Russian drone or a landmine. Some of my friends have already died as human shields trying to recover Mariupol. This war has taken everyone from me and my family. My father was drafted against his will 5 months ago, and my mother is afraid I am next. Some of my friends managed to escape the war at the very beginning because they had the money and connections. We weren't so lucky because we were simply unprepared, but in the last few months, my father has slowly given us money, and he met some people in the army who could help us escape.

I feel shame for not having the bravado to fight like some of my friends have, but I am not interested in fighting a war where the only winners have been the American ruling class. I need around $800 more for my mother and me to escape, we are close but the problem is that I don't have too much time left to collect the money. So please, any amount you are willing to contribute is greatly appreciated. Every little bit is needed. And if you can't contribute money right now, please share this. Any help is needed. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your help, Monero community.

Published: 2023-12-01


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