Let's go Monero I have a dream! I want privacy for them :)

0% funded
5.1 XMR
Greetings and appreciation to the members of the great Kuno community
This is not my first time here and it will not be the last, the Kuno community is always racing against time to support everyone and I see that I need your support. I have a great passion and great happiness to see this project through the community's support for an age group that is exposed to a lot of abuse and harm in the virtual world, and with many groups searching for digital currencies and placing a lot of hopes on them in their future, I am happy that Monero is here as the official sponsor for everyone who needs work and everyone who is looking for security and privacy. Those groups who are searching in the world of digital currencies and need privacy must know that Monero is the future of digital money. I believe that this project will open great horizons for work, learning and building the future for many young people.
- About this project
Dad / Mom I need to use the Internet please leave my space? I know what to do Don't worry!! We monitor our children and sons all the time and parents' warnings come with us. Our role here in our project is to provide them with comprehensive awareness about the safe use of the Internet, segments of society, especially children and youth who see Internet applications as a means of entertainment and amusement, ignoring their risks and negative effects. There is also a need to increase awareness of the importance of digital currencies and many of them search for ways to obtain, trade and mine them without knowing what currencies protect their privacy.
- How do children and youth deal with virtual life?
We always follow our children and sons in real life and they gain life experiences, whether from school or family, but in the age of modern technology, screens have become an essential part of their lives.
But digital interaction poses a major risk to the safety and privacy of children and youth, as facts indicate that many are more vulnerable to the risks of electronic threats, such as hacking personal accounts, tracking, fraud, data theft and control of personal devices. They are also more likely to suffer the harms resulting from these threats, including loss of privacy, because they are less aware of the risks behind them, in addition to the fact that many of them lack the digital skills and vital capabilities to measure the safety and credibility of the content and relationships they are exposed to online.
So it is time to teach children and young people how to be safe online and how they can use the Internet to safely access a prosperous digital future
Why is this project important?
In light of the technological revolution we are living and children and young people using electronic devices of various kinds, I have seen during my work as an IT teacher in schools that there is a major problem facing an entire generation of children and young people, which is how can they learn how to protect themselves online. Protection here does not mean preventing them from using technological means.
But rather providing them with everything they need to integrate into the technological community while maintaining their digital identities, the confidentiality of their personal data and their privacy
Questions come up all the time: How do I start making a profit, preserving and increasing my savings! Suddenly, many are exposed to theft! And then they search for profit and privacy at the same time, but how much loss have they suffered? Isn't it time to teach them that privacy and Monero are one and the same, along with basic skills for safe internet use?
They need to be monitored, and many parents have no prior knowledge about protecting themselves on the internet, let alone the young.
But this cannot be done all the time. They learn faster because they were born in the era of the technological revolution.
So our role here is to "teach" the young, children and youth to understand our present and our future.
What are the goals of the project?
General objective
1- Privacy and the role of digital currencies
2- Methods of searching for information and verifying its source
3- Using information technology tools positively
4- Cloud storage, saving and retrieving data and information
5- How to deal with electronic games
6- Methods of protection from digital theft
7- Dealing with websites and detecting fake websites
8- Intellectual property rights and the use of digital resources
9- Communication problems and ways to solve them
10- Personal plans for digital security
11- Life situations of phishing and electronic blackmail
12- Cyberbullying and ways to prevent it
14- Information security and cybersecurity and ways to secure files, devices and digital assets
15- Methods of mining digital currencies (Monero)
16- Creating hot and cold wallets and the difference between them
17- How to protect your digital assets
18- Sending and receiving digital currencies
19- The future of digital cash and the role of Monero
20- What's new
Buy a laptop $479
Buy a color laser printer $106
Data Show Device "Projector" $184
Purchase of printing papers $48
Assistant salary for one month $115
Travel and miscellaneous expenses $40
Student gifts $100
The budget helps in the success and implementation of the project, as it depends on the use of visual, audio and written technology in the presentations, and then using the devices to implement awareness campaigns on a wider scale over a full year with the design of the official sponsor logo is Monero and Kuno
Project timeline
Over 30 days, 30 schools will be visited. 30 hours per month will be allocated for online training on IT tools.
Over a full year, support, updates and training will be provided in children and youth gatherings, clubs, youth centers and libraries, and social media sites will be used to disseminate educational content. Follow-up will be provided, with documentation of all of this
Finally, I thank the Kuno community, you always help in turning dreams into reality
1- The first fact - I had a great time in returning the favor of this wonderful community
2- The second fact - I am working on it, I am always grateful to Monero and proud to tell the world that Monero is great and offers everyone from everyone everything that is beautiful
Contact: @amrhamdy_hamdy
This is not my first time here and it will not be the last, the Kuno community is always racing against time to support everyone and I see that I need your support. I have a great passion and great happiness to see this project through the community's support for an age group that is exposed to a lot of abuse and harm in the virtual world, and with many groups searching for digital currencies and placing a lot of hopes on them in their future, I am happy that Monero is here as the official sponsor for everyone who needs work and everyone who is looking for security and privacy. Those groups who are searching in the world of digital currencies and need privacy must know that Monero is the future of digital money. I believe that this project will open great horizons for work, learning and building the future for many young people.
- About this project
Dad / Mom I need to use the Internet please leave my space? I know what to do Don't worry!! We monitor our children and sons all the time and parents' warnings come with us. Our role here in our project is to provide them with comprehensive awareness about the safe use of the Internet, segments of society, especially children and youth who see Internet applications as a means of entertainment and amusement, ignoring their risks and negative effects. There is also a need to increase awareness of the importance of digital currencies and many of them search for ways to obtain, trade and mine them without knowing what currencies protect their privacy.
- How do children and youth deal with virtual life?
We always follow our children and sons in real life and they gain life experiences, whether from school or family, but in the age of modern technology, screens have become an essential part of their lives.
But digital interaction poses a major risk to the safety and privacy of children and youth, as facts indicate that many are more vulnerable to the risks of electronic threats, such as hacking personal accounts, tracking, fraud, data theft and control of personal devices. They are also more likely to suffer the harms resulting from these threats, including loss of privacy, because they are less aware of the risks behind them, in addition to the fact that many of them lack the digital skills and vital capabilities to measure the safety and credibility of the content and relationships they are exposed to online.
So it is time to teach children and young people how to be safe online and how they can use the Internet to safely access a prosperous digital future
Why is this project important?
In light of the technological revolution we are living and children and young people using electronic devices of various kinds, I have seen during my work as an IT teacher in schools that there is a major problem facing an entire generation of children and young people, which is how can they learn how to protect themselves online. Protection here does not mean preventing them from using technological means.
But rather providing them with everything they need to integrate into the technological community while maintaining their digital identities, the confidentiality of their personal data and their privacy
Questions come up all the time: How do I start making a profit, preserving and increasing my savings! Suddenly, many are exposed to theft! And then they search for profit and privacy at the same time, but how much loss have they suffered? Isn't it time to teach them that privacy and Monero are one and the same, along with basic skills for safe internet use?
They need to be monitored, and many parents have no prior knowledge about protecting themselves on the internet, let alone the young.
But this cannot be done all the time. They learn faster because they were born in the era of the technological revolution.
So our role here is to "teach" the young, children and youth to understand our present and our future.
What are the goals of the project?
General objective
1- Privacy and the role of digital currencies
2- Methods of searching for information and verifying its source
3- Using information technology tools positively
4- Cloud storage, saving and retrieving data and information
5- How to deal with electronic games
6- Methods of protection from digital theft
7- Dealing with websites and detecting fake websites
8- Intellectual property rights and the use of digital resources
9- Communication problems and ways to solve them
10- Personal plans for digital security
11- Life situations of phishing and electronic blackmail
12- Cyberbullying and ways to prevent it
14- Information security and cybersecurity and ways to secure files, devices and digital assets
15- Methods of mining digital currencies (Monero)
16- Creating hot and cold wallets and the difference between them
17- How to protect your digital assets
18- Sending and receiving digital currencies
19- The future of digital cash and the role of Monero
20- What's new
Buy a laptop $479
Buy a color laser printer $106
Data Show Device "Projector" $184
Purchase of printing papers $48
Assistant salary for one month $115
Travel and miscellaneous expenses $40
Student gifts $100
The budget helps in the success and implementation of the project, as it depends on the use of visual, audio and written technology in the presentations, and then using the devices to implement awareness campaigns on a wider scale over a full year with the design of the official sponsor logo is Monero and Kuno
Project timeline
Over 30 days, 30 schools will be visited. 30 hours per month will be allocated for online training on IT tools.
Over a full year, support, updates and training will be provided in children and youth gatherings, clubs, youth centers and libraries, and social media sites will be used to disseminate educational content. Follow-up will be provided, with documentation of all of this
Finally, I thank the Kuno community, you always help in turning dreams into reality
1- The first fact - I had a great time in returning the favor of this wonderful community
2- The second fact - I am working on it, I am always grateful to Monero and proud to tell the world that Monero is great and offers everyone from everyone everything that is beautiful
Contact: @amrhamdy_hamdy
Published: 2025-02-08
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